Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment Fellowships

Advantages of the ECP Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment (RCAS) Fellowship
Our innovative Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment Fellowship (RCAS) provides one year of advanced training to graduates of ophthalmology residencies in the United States. Under the mentorship of ECP’s nationally recognized leaders in refractive cataract and anterior segment surgery, RCAS Fellows become experts in advanced ophthalmic surgical care not typically taught in residency programs.
Beyond learning advanced surgical skills, RCAS fellows receive instruction in practice management and working with industry. We offer an opportunity to become qualified to participate in one of ECP’s more than 200 clinical trials.
RCAS Fellows start their careers at one of three ECP sites. This is a unique opportunity to work alongside thought leaders from the country’s elite practices. RCAS Fellows join a network committed to mentoring excellence.
Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment Fellowship
EyeCare Partners (ECP) is the nation’s leading clinically integrated eye care provider. Our mission is to enhance vision, advance eye care and improve lives. Our national network of over 300 ophthalmologists and 700 optometrists provides a lifetime of care to our patients. With over 700 ECP-affiliated practice locations, we offer services that span the eye care continuum in 18 states and 30 markets.
We aspire to grow the next generation of ophthalmic leaders.
EyeCare Partners Fellowship Collection:
A Unique Opportunity to Work Alongside Thought Leaders
RCAS Fellowships begin in July 2026 with opportunities to train at three sites:
- Ohio: Cincinnati Eye Institute (Dr. Ed Meier)
- Michigan: Oakland Ophthalmic Surgery (Dr. Tim Page)
- Virginia: Virginia Eye Consultants (Dr. John Sheppard)
Each site will mentor one fellow, ensuring focused attention on professional development.
How to Apply
Applications for each fellowship are available on the sfmatch Ophthalmology Fellowship Match.
- Cincinnati – PR10205
- Virginia – PR10204
- Michigan – PR10203
For questions, please contact rcas@eyecare-partners.com.
Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment Fellowship at the Cincinnati Eye Institute
Edward Meier, MD
Fellowship Director
Cataracts, Comprehensive Eye Care, Dry Eye, Diabetic Eye Care, Glaucoma
Cincinnati Eye Institute
6150 Radio Way
Madison, OH 45040
The Cincinnati Eye Institute RCAS fellowship aims to prepare new residency graduates for careers as outstanding refractive cataract and anterior segment specialists in a dynamic practice setting.
Fellows will train at the Cincinnati Eye Institute, one of the country’s largest and most well-recognized ophthalmology practices. With more than 50 ophthalmologists across all subspecialties, fellows will be exposed to the best of a real-world private practice with a solid academic and research foundation.
RCAS Fellows at Cincinnati Eye Institute will:
- Learn advanced cataract surgery techniques
- Gain experience with multifocal, toric, extended depth of focus and light-adjustable IOLs
- Acquire expertise in screening and selecting patients for premium IOLs
- Learn advanced biometry and lens selection
- Learn extracapsular lens fixation techniques, the management of surgical complications, IOL exchange techniques and anterior segment reconstruction
The fellowship will include:
- Teaching medical students, residents, and other fellows
- Research as a sub-investigator in industry-sponsored clinical trials and successful completion of an independent, mentored research project
- Training in speaking and presentation skills
- Training in practice management and development with an emphasis on building a referral network
Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment Fellowship at Oakland Ophthalmic Surgery, Southeast Michigan
Timothy Page, MD
Fellowship Director
Cataract Surgery
Oakland Ophthalmic Surgery
800 South Adams Rd
Birmingham, MI 48009
The RCAS Fellowship at Oakland Ophthalmic Surgery aims to create expert refractive cataract and anterior segment surgeons. The fellowship program will extend skills well beyond residency to reinforce core competencies related to managing cataracts and glaucoma with a distinctive focus on community-based eye care. Fellows will interact with other members of the patients’ medical providers, including primary care physicians, endocrinologists and top ophthalmic subspecialists.
Fellows will also master lens-based refractive surgery techniques and the management of cataract and intraocular lens complications. They will also become expert femtosecond laser cataract surgeons.
Fellows at Oakland Ophthalmic Surgery will receive specific training in areas that include:
- Intraoperative-based wavefront analysis for superior outcomes
- Tertiary management of IOL complications, including IOL exchanges with intact and open posterior capsules
- Secondary IOL placement using both iris-fixated and scleral-fixated IOL procedures
- The management of cataract and IOL complications, subluxated IOLs, subluxed crystalline lenses, with significant exposure to eyes that have undergone extensive posterior segment procedures
- Refractive lens-based procedures, including diffractive trifocal and EDOF IOLs, non-diffractive EDOF IOLs, light-adjustable IOLs and small aperture IOLs
- How to screen patients for these IOLs and properly manage patient expectations and the post-operative course
This fellowship will include a global outreach component to learn manual small incision cataract surgery. The fellow will join a 10-day mission to Kenya with Dr. Page to work in the clinic and operating room, serving part of the world’s most underserved population.
Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment Fellowship at Virginia Eye Consultants. Norfolk, Virginia
John Sheppard, MD, M.M.Sc
Fellowship Director
Cataracts, Corneal Disease, Dry Eye, Uveitis, Urgents
Virginia Eye Consultants
241 Corporate Boulevard
Norfolk VA, 23502
The RCAS fellowship at Virginia Eye Consultants (VEC) strives to develop expert refractive cataract and anterior segment surgeons. Fellows will benefit from working with a multispecialty faculty, including:
- John D. Sheppard, MD, MMSc, Fellowship Director (Cataracts, Corneal Disease, Dry Eye, Uveitis)
- Albert Y. Cheung, MD (Cataracts, Corneal Disease, Dry Eye, Uveitis)
- Elizabeth Yeu, MD (Cataracts, Lasik Refractive Surgery, Corneal Disease, Dry Eye, Uveitis)
- Stephen V. Scoper, MD (Cataracts, Lasik Refractive Surgery, Corneal Disease)
- Constance O Okeke, MD, MSCE (Glaucoma and Cataracts)
- Andrew Pittner, MD (Glaucoma, Cataracts, Dry Eye)
- Nabila Sardar, MD (Cataracts, Lasik Refractive Surgery, Eyelid Facial Plastics, Comprehensive Eye Care, Diabetic Eye Care, Dry Eye)
- Our colleagues at Tidewater Eye Centers
Fellows will also become experts in the field of refractive cataract and complex anterior segment surgery and diseases. Fellows will master lens-based refractive surgery techniques and the management of cataract and intraocular lens complications. Fellows will also become femtosecond laser cataract surgeons on two platforms: LensAR and LenSx.
RCAS Fellows at VEC will receive instruction in areas that include:
- Pre-operative analysis of predictive factors for successful IOL calculations, including challenging cases of high myopia, hyperopia, post-refractive surgery, uveitis, ocular surface disease, stem cell deficiency, corneal diseases and dystrophies
- Refractive lens-based procedures include screening, utilizing a team approach to premium IOL surgery, physician extenders, managing patient expectations and post-operative care
- Tertiary management of IOL complications, including IOL exchanges with intact and open posterior capsules
- Secondary IOL placement using both iris-fixated IOLs, scleral-fixated IOLs, Yamane Procedures, and AC IOLs
- Management of cataract and IOL complications, subluxated IOLs, sublimated crystalline lenses, pseudoexfoliation, uveitis, previous trauma, previous extensive posterior segment procedures, capsular tension rings and iris retractor techniques
- Complex cataract, glaucoma and corneal transplant procedures, including management of seton complication and a wide variety of MIGS under the supervision of our talented glaucoma colleagues
- Advanced intraocular lenses, including diffractive, trifocal and EDOF IOLs, non-diffractive EDOF IOLs, small aperture IOLs and accommodating IOLs
This fellowship site will also include:
- Treatment of advanced cornea, ocular surface disorders and anterior segment trauma
- Teaching in local ophthalmology and optometry residency programs
- Providing vision care for those living in disadvantaged communities
- Development of public speaking and presentation skills
- Experience in clinical trials, including trial procurement, trial design, assuming the role of a sub-principal investigator, manuscript preparation and publication
- Participation in peer review of journal submissions
RCAS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What’s the value proposition? Why should I take a Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment Fellowship when I can go straight into practice?
The Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment fellowship aims to fast-track the path to ophthalmic excellence and leadership.
After one year with us, you can offer advanced care to your patients and will be at peak productivity, which would take up to five years if you went directly into practice.
Taking the long view, you will be far ahead in your career development after an EyeCare Partners Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment Fellowship.
Who can apply for an RCAS Fellowship?
RCAS application is open to third-year ophthalmology residents who anticipate a 2025 graduation date from a residency in the United States.
How can I apply?
Applications for each fellowship are available on the sfmatch Ophthalmology Fellowship Match. The Central Application Service (CAS) distributes applications to residency and fellowship training programs online. The program numbers are as follows:
- Cincinnati – PR10205
- Virginia – PR10204
- Michigan – PR10203